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OMA Express, Belarus

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4RM Systems provides comprehensive supply of equipment for stores of various formats. New project “OMA Express” .

OMA - the largest wholesale and retail trade network in the Republic of Belarus for the sale of building materials, opened a new format store “OMA Express”.

Special feature of the format: A small store with the main marketable items and the point of delivery of online store orders in one place.

4RM is proud of its long-term partnership with OMA retail chain and wishes the new format “OMA Express” sustainable development.

In the new OMA project, as well as in hypermarket formats, 4RM shelving systems and accessories are used.

4RM shelving systems perfectly organize the space, allowing you to quickly find the goods you need.


ОМА Экспресс, Беларусь

ОМА Экспресс, Беларусь

ОМА Экспресс, Беларусь
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