Refrigerating showcases

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Refrigeration equipment is designed for storage and demonstration of perishable, chilled and frozen products, guaranteeing their longer storage. Therefore, the choice of refrigerated cabinets should be approached with the utmost responsibility. You can buy commercial refrigerated showcases in 4RM Systems. 


The price of showcases depends on their type. This equipment is classified:

  • By location. Vertical designs guarantee better visibility and display of goods, horizontal - give the opportunity to save space and conveniently place products of large volume, angular - increase the trading area.
  • By functional purpose. Gastronomic cabinets (for meat, fish, salads) maintain optimal temperature conditions to preserve the freshness of products, confectionery (for desserts) - have a special design to protect from dust and sunlight, freezer (for frozen semi-finished products) - designed to store products with different degrees of cooling.

There are also universal cabinets that maintain the temperature regime from - 6 to +6 ° C. Solutions with such a temperature regime are suitable for small stores, where it is not possible to create specialized zones. Medium-temperature refrigerated cabinets allow you to set the exact settings for a particular product.

Why choose 4RM Systems?

Our equipment is in demand due to:

  • Innovative design. Our refrigerated display counters have a modern design that emphasizes the quality of the products on display.
  • Functionality. The equipment has everything you need for convenient operation: backlighting, displays, locks, automatic defrosting and other useful functions.
  • Application of certified components. Only quality components are used for production.
  • Reliability. Equipment from our company works without failures and breakdowns, guaranteeing safe storage of products.
  • High energy efficiency. Showcases from 4RM Systems consume a minimum of electricity, which reduces costs and unfavorable impact on the environment.

Buy refrigerated display cases for the store, which meet domestic standards, you can in 4RM Systems LLC. Our managers will consult and help to select, deliver, customize and install refrigeration equipment. To order call +375 (44) 504-14-01 or leave a request on the website, we will contact you soon.


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