Our production

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4RM Systems is a highly automated enterprise manufacturing and supplying equipment for all retail formats (hypermarkets, convenience stores, self-service areas at gas stations), as well as for logistics systems, pharmacies, etc.

The company 4RM Systems LLC was founded in 2015, the production launch took place in 2017. The production facilities are located in FEZ "Vitebsk", in the Republic of Belarus.

  • 25000 m2 area
  • 250+ employees
  • 12 countries of supply
Our production photo 1

Production nomenclature

  • checkout zones
  • parcel lockers
  • trade and warehouse shelving systems
  • branded POSM equipment
  • ready-made solutions for gas stations, convenience stores, coffee zones, bakery, fruit and vegetable, alcoholic zones, etc.

We guarantee our customers:

  • compliance with the terms of production and delivery,
  • high quality,
  • compliance of products with retail trends,
  • effective technical solutions that will help your business to earn more.

Why choose 4RM Systems equipment?

Lean Production tools have been implemented in the production process: 5S workspace organization system, unit flow, cell production, TPM (Total Product Maintenance), kanban, SOP (Standard Operating Procedures). The use of Lean tools ensures cost reduction and compliance with production deadlines for both serial and individual orders.

The company has a system of staff development, the Ideas system and the principle of Daily Improvement. The experience and knowledge of our employees allow us to offer on the market today what will be demanded by retail tomorrow. 

In the production process of 4RM Systems LLC we use equipment with a high degree of automation from such world manufacturers as Bystronic, Gema, Ideal-line, Salvagnini. 

To ensure high quality and accuracy in the production of commercial equipment help technologies implemented at the company:

1. For the production of shelving systems and equipment for cashier zones, the key areas are metal processing, where laser cutting, automatic and semi-automatic bending and robotic welding are used. High automation ensures the accuracy of the work performed and high productivity of the area. For example, the productivity of robotic welding is three times higher than manual welding.

2. Powder coating of the produced equipment takes place in 3 stages:

  • The surface preparation stage takes place in a tunnel where 6 baths with a special composition are located. With the help of pumps installed on the baths the solution is sprayed on the parts on the conveyor;
  • powder coating by electrostatic method;
  • polymerization.

This approach provides resistance of the coating to aggressive environments, high temperatures and chemicals, which prolongs the service life of the equipment.

3. Chipboard, wood, artificial stone, plastic, acrylic are processed on numerically controlled machines, which allows us to perform complex specific orders and minimize human factor.

4. Different kinds of components and accessories play an important role in commercial equipment: wire grids, baskets, hooks, wire barriers, etc. To control welding in their production, in-house developed engineering solutions are used to ensure stable quality of products. 

5. The company has its own galvanizing line, where zinc coating with chromite passivation is applied to products and semi-finished products. Such coating protects products from cleaning chemicals and aggressive environment, provides wear resistance and resistance to damage. 

6. Quality control in production is based on the principle of control at source, whereby the quality of products is checked not only at the final stage, but also throughout the production process, which is the responsibility of every person who contributes to production, from quality control engineers to machine operators. Also, based on the ZQC ("zero errors") principle, additional self-monitoring instructions have been developed for employees.

7. The company operates a number of laboratories for additional product quality testing:

  • a test bench, where the racks of racking systems are load tested;
  • an area for testing new products and test samples;
  • the laboratory of the galvanic section monitors the condition of the chemical composition baths, which in turn ensures quality zinc coating.

4RM Systems' engineering staff has years of industry and domain expertise, which allows them to utilize the best practices of the commercial equipment industry to create effective solutions. And the R&D department works continuously to research industry trends and modernize the manufacturing process.

Every step of 4RM Systems' manufacturing processes is fine-tuned to deliver the most advanced retail equipment to our customers, aligned with retail trends. If you still have any questions or would like to take a tour of the company and see everything with your own eyes - leave a request in the contact form, we will answer soon!

Advantages of 4RM Systems production

In-house development

In-house development

RnD department studies trends and introduces novelties

Highly qualified staff

Highly qualified staff

Regular Training, Idea System, Daily Improvement

Production automation

Production automation

Equipment from Bystronic, Gema, Ideal-line, Salvagnini

Multi-stage quality control

Multi-stage quality control

Quality management and self-monitoring procedures

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