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4RM Systems has developed the Mega brand of checkout counters for large and small stores. These reliable checkouts are available in wide and narrow basin, movable and fixed transporter formats, as well as in the compact Express format.

Dignities of the Mega brand

  • Long service life. Proven and durable Mega checkouts have been used by leading retailers around the world for many years.
  • Flexible configuration. Modular system allows you to customize the configuration of the checkout right in the store.
  • Scalability. Accessories: from holders for pin pads to additional shelves, provide fine-tuning of the equipment to the retailer's tasks.
  • Ergonomics. The design takes into account the speed of cashiers' work and convenience of customers.

Competitive advantages of 4RM checkout counters

  • Developments of 4RM engineers embody the latest technologies in the field of retail equipment, providing maximum accuracy, speed and quality of service.
  • Checkout counter customization options for any store format. Retailers can select and combine elements to meet specific needs. For example, a wide basin can be useful when selling small goods that take more time for the customer to pack.
  • 4RM equipment increases the passability of the sales area: the speed of service is less, queues are reduced. This has a direct impact on customer satisfaction, building brand loyalty and encouraging customers to return to the store again.
  • 4RM management team provides a full cycle of support - sales area planning, equipment selection, installation assistance, staff training, etc.

You can buy Mega checkout counters in 4RM Systems LLC. Our support managers will make the necessary calculations for you, offer you the best equipment options, support the delivery and installation process. Call +375 44 558-44-44, e-mail or leave a request on the website.


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