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Wall shelving with chipboard back panel

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About product
Destination: Commercial
Object format: Convenience store, Gas station, Grocery, Hypermarket, Minimarket, Supermarket
Equipment type: Wall-mounted
Height, mm: 2082
Width, mm: 1250
Depth, mm: 520
Model: With chipboard wall
System: Backwall KM
Manufacturer: 4RM Systems

Wall shelving with chipboard wall panel is a commercial equipment that combines practicality and attractive design. Particle board panels give a warmer and more eco-friendly look suitable for boutiques, salons, bookstores.

Shelving Features.

  • The designer design adds an element of coziness to the interior.
  • The universal design is suitable for a variety of goods - from books and souvenirs to clothing and accessories.
  • The metal frame provides reliable placement of products.


  • The surface is easy to clean and does not require much time for maintenance and cleaning.
  • Stainless metal uprights and shelves, galvanized wire panel with polymer coating resistant to damage and corrosion.
  • Adjustable shelves allow you to quickly adapt the shelving to your changing assortment.

More information about the equipment components and assembly options – in the «Technical Specifications» tab.

4RM Shelving 4RM Shelving 4RM Shelving 4RM Shelving
4RM Shelving 

11083-446-xxКМ НС 100 2235-2 / KM NSMiddle panel upright2
21081-570-00КМ ВСТ 100 / KM VSTUpright insert2
31023-487-xxКМ ПН 02 100 500 / KM PN 02Base foot2
41081-735-xxКМ СТ ДСП 600 1000 / KM ST DSPChipboard back panel2
51081-739-xxКМ СТ ДСП 900 1000 / KM ST DSPChipboard back panel1
61081-653-xxКМ ПЛН ДСП 500 1000 / KM PLN DSPLower chipboard shelf1
71081-617-xxКМ ПЛ ДСП 400 1000 / KM PL DSPChipboard shelf4
81082-442-xxКМ КР ДСП ПР 400 / KM KR DSP PRPair of brackets for chipboard shelf4
91083-347-xxКМ РПР 120 1000 / KM RPRCrossbar2

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