Shelving with middle panel with wire FS

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    About product
    Destination: Commercial
    Object format: Convenience store, Gas station, Grocery, Hypermarket, Minimarket, Supermarket
    Height, mm: 1930
    Width, mm: 1250
    Depth, mm: 480
    Model: With a wire panel
    System: Middle wall (FS)
    Manufacturer: 4RM Systems

    A solution for the effective presentation of a variety of product categories.

    The use of wire shelves and panels provides visual lightness and openness, which helps to attract customer attention and emphasizes the interest in the goods on display.

    Advantages of retail shelving for a store with a middle panel

    Among the benefits:

    • Maximizes merchandise visibility for different retail formats.
    • Ability to adjust shelving configuration and add accessories. When wall shelving is installed back-to-back, it functions as an island structure, providing access to goods from both sides.
    • Stable frame made of polymer coated steel. Provides durability and reliability in operation.
    • Possibility of installing LED lighting for hinged shelves.

    Technical specifications of shelving for trade in the tab “Technical Specifications”.

    4RM Shelving 4RM Shelving 4RM Shelving 4RM Shelving
    11083-407-xxКМ НС 80 1930-2 / KM NSUpright2
    21081-579-00КМ ВСТ 80 / KM VSTUpright insert2
    31022-126-xxFS PN 01 100 450Base foot2
    41025-752-xxFS STRS 1000 1930 50 100Middle wire panel1
    51034-786-xxFS KRU 450Universal bracket6
    61034-212-xxFS PS 450 1000Shelf, middle type 1
    71034-304-xxFS PRW SRS 450 1000Wire shelf3
    81034-639-xxFS PPRW 10 60 450 SRSWire shelf divider8
    91091-047-xxКМ БРШ 60 1000 / KM BRWWire shelf barrier4
    101081-301-xxКМ ПД 100 1000 / KM PDPlinth1
    111095-074-xxКМ ЗГН 30 80 / KM ZGNUpright top plug2
    121020-451-33КМ ФСТРС 55 / KM FSTRS 55Wire back panel fixator6
    131060-161-xxКН ФК 001 / KN FKBracket retainer6
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