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KM wall shelving with back panel with slatwall

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About product
Destination: Commercial
Object format: Convenience store, Gas station, Grocery, Hypermarket, Minimarket, Supermarket
Equipment type: Wall-mounted
Height, mm: 2235
Width, mm: 1330
Depth, mm: 580
Model: With expopanel
System: Backwall KM
Manufacturer: 4RM Systems
4RM Shelving 4RM Shelving 4RM Shelving 4RM Shelving

Wall shelving with slatwall is a multifunctional solution for displaying a sales line along the walls. The combination of shelving and slatwall forms a bright and informative sales area.

Design features

  • The wall-mounted version saves the area of the hall.
  • The slatwall is used for placing advertising materials and additional positions.
  • Height-adjustable shelves can be adapted to different groups of goods.
  • Can be combined with other equipment elements.
  • Durable construction is designed for long-term operation without replacement of parts and repairs.


  • Creates a complete image of the shopping area, combining storage and presentation functions.
  • Wood structure to attract customers' attention and stimulate impulse purchases.
  • Flexible configuration customisation for different product categories.
  • Improved shop navigation, highlighting thematic zones.
  • Efficient use of vertical space.
  • Easy integration into existing shop design.

Wall shelving with slatwall from 4RM is a tool for creating a well-thought-out system of product display and information support of sales. Detailed technical specifications are available in the next tab.

4RM Shelving 

11083-406-xxКМ НС 80 1778-2 / KM NSMiddle panel upright2
21081-579-00КМ ВСТ 80 / KM VSTUpright insert2
31023-487-xxКМ ПН 02 100 500 / KM PN 02Base foot2
41081-364-xxКМ ПП 500 1000 / KM PP Shelf1
51081-360-xxКМ ПП 400 1000 / KM PPShelf1
61082-022-xxКМ КРУ 400 / KM KRUUniversal bracket2
79966-713-04КМ СТЕ 1778 1000 150 / KM STESlatwall1
81060-161-00КН ФК 001 / KN FK 001Bracket fixator2
91083-347-xxКМ РПР 120 1000 / KM RPRCrossbar2
101044-082-xxКМ П ЕКСП 400 300 / KM P EKSPShelf for a slatwall2
111044-081-xxКМ П ЕКСП 500 260 / KM P EKSPShelf for a slatwall2
121044-080-xxКМ П ЕКСП 250 260 / KM P EKSPShelf for a slatwall2
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