• Sosedi, Belarus photo 3
  • Sosedi, Belarus photo 5
  • Sosedi, Belarus photo 6
  • Sosedi, Belarus photo 7

Sosedi, Belarus

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Sosedi is a network of more than 200 affordable stores across Belarus, from neighborhood stores to hypermarkets. The retail chain cooperates with a huge number of suppliers and provides customers with a range of tens of thousands of items from domestic and foreign manufacturers.

The 4RM Systems company took part in equipping a number of objects of the trade network. And today we want to tell you about a wonderful supermarket Sosedi Express, located right in the center of Minsk, at the address Nezavisimosti, 11/2.

The basis of the exposition is 4RM Systems trading shelving. The store presents both classic shelving with a middle panel, wall, island and corner type, and reinforced shelving with a front rack, providing additional stability, which are ideal for the exposure of alcohol.

Sosedi, Belarus. photo 1 Sosedi, Belarus. photo 2

Sosedi, Belarus. photo 5 Sosedi, Belarus. photo 7

We have provided a ready-made Greora solution for the fresh fruit and vegetable area. This is a convenient and environmentally friendly trade equipment that recreates the atmosphere of open markets and perfectly harmonizes with the products. And a set of modules allows you to combine it with any retail space.

Sosedi, Belarus. photo 81 Sosedi, Belarus. photo 9

Selected Bake is a complex solution for the bakery products zone, providing clear presentation of products, convenience for customers and easy replenishment of goods on the shelves. The equipment complies with sanitary requirements and is equipped with hooks for bags and gloves and a shelf for crumbs.

The coffee point located in the food court also belongs to the Selected Bake line of equipment. The product is equipped with an artificial stone countertop and additional accessories: waste containers, napkin dispensers, cup dispensers. 4RM Systems equipment turns the coffee zone of the store into a comfortable place for customers, where they want to linger.

Sosedi, Belarus. photo 13 Sosedi, Belarus. photo 12

And finally, take a look at our tobacco cabinet. Our design maximizes ease of use and efficient faceting to display the maximum number of cigarette brands in the front row.

Sosedi, Belarus. photo 15 Sosedi, Belarus. photo 16

Equipment supplied:

  • Trade shelving with back panel wall-moutned, corner, end and island shelving (KM system)
  • Reinforced shelving with front upright (KM system)
  • Shelving for bakery area (Selected Bake system)
  • Shelving for fruit and vegetable area (Greora system)
  • Coffee module (Selected Bake system)
  • Tobacco dispenser

To learn more about 4RM Systems equipment or to become a dealer, leave a request online or simply call us: +37544558444

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