• CU, Kazakhstan photo 3

CU, Kazakhstan

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A new convenience store retail chain, originally from South Korea, has appeared on the Kazakhstan market. And in just five weeks, the 4RM Systems team was able to develop and launch the first facility that meets both the standards of modern retail and the partner’s brand book.

CU format is ultra convenience. That is, the store is located as close as possible to the buyer and is open around the clock. And within a single space you can not only buy groceries and everyday goods, but also have a snack, heat up food, charge your phone, use the restroom, etc. 

CU Convenience store CU Convenience store CU Convenience store CU Convenience store CU Convenience store

The compactness and sectional structure of 4RM shelving allows you to effectively place more than 2000 product items in a limited area. Installing shelves at different heights creates separate product areas, while dividers and limiters organize the space. 

End shelving act as additional zones for impulse goods. And the use of racks with a middle wall developed by 4RM engineers allows you to gain an additional 10 cm of aisle width between rows without losing useful shelf space, which is critically valuable for a “convenience store”.

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