Our presentation at RetailTech 2024

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That's it, it's starting... What's starting? Russian Retail Show 2024, of course! That means that already on April 17 you will be able to meet us at the section "RETAIL: FORMAT, SHOP, SHELF", of which 4RM is the general partner. 

And at 15:05 we recommend you to listen to the report of Dmitry Karakov, the head of 4RM Trade House in Moscow.

Convenient navigation, functional retail equipment - how does store design help to sell more effectively? 

Let's start with the changes in consumer behavior and needs in recent years. How has retail adapted to them and what trends have emerged? A little bit of statistics is always a good thing! 

Then let's move on to the topic of offline commerce. People want to communicate less and less with other people and more and more want to access services and products through their smartphone. What technological innovations are retailers implementing in Russia and abroad, how do ecosystems work and what are their prospects? Let's look at examples, supported by analytics. 

And finally, it's time for cases from 4RM's work. Dmitry will talk about technological and stylish projects that the company has completed on a turnkey basis for the largest retailer in Kazakhstan Magnum, for a brand store of the South Korean chain CU and a number of other well-known chains in Russia and other countries. We share secrets, show the "chips" of modern equipment and give advice on their implementation in retail facilities.

See you soon!

  • April 17, 2024
  • 15:05
  • International Trade Center (ITC), Moscow, Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment, 12, Krasnopresnenskaya Naberezhnaya, Moscow
RetailTech 2024 RetailTech 2024 RetailTech 2024 RetailTech 2024
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