Bread shelving wall-mounted type 0 (three sections)

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    4.  / Bread shelving wall-mounted type 0 (three sections)
    About product
    Destination: Bakery
    Object format: Grocery, Hypermarket, Supermarket
    Equipment type: Wall-mounted
    Height, mm: 1805
    Width, mm: 3070
    Depth, mm: 815
    Model: Type 0 (three section)
    Solution: Bakery
    System: Ready-made solution (RM)
    Manufacturer: 4RM Systems
    Number of shelves: 15

    Bread type 0 wall shelving with three sections is a solution manufactured by 4RM Systems for displaying and storing a large assortment of bakery products in retail outlets.

    It is presented in three variants:

    • single-section;
    • two-sectional;
    • three-sectional.

    Wall shelving for bread with three sections allows you to place a wide range of bakery products, taking into account the needs of the commercial space.

    The bread shelving design features five spacious shelves made of alder slats. The shelves have a depth of 400/450/500/550/600mm, which makes it possible to efficiently place a variety of bakery products.

    Advantages of the shelving for baking  

    • Equipment: bread shelving shelves are equipped with plexiglass barriers and price holders. Plexiglas dividers are available as an option.
    • Use of wear-resistant materials: shelves are made of alder slats, known for their high quality and appearance. The sides are made of high quality plexiglass and alder furniture board, which not only adds aesthetic value, but also provides strength and resistance to mechanical damage.
    • Easy access: to protect products from contamination and provide visual access to them, shelving is equipped with doors made of high quality plexiglass. The doors are mounted on reliable card hinges, which ensures their durability and ease of use.
    • Variety of designs: models with one, two and three sections are available, which allows you to choose shelving depending on the available space and volume of goods.
    • LED lighting system: optional, gives the shelving an elegant look and makes the products more visible and attractive to customers.

    For more information on components and assembly options, please see the “Technical Specifications” tab.

    4RM Shelving 4RM Shelving 4RM Shelving 4RM Shelving

    ItemNameTrade nameUnits
    11091-912-18SHP534.000.000-00 A SK Top shelf (7016)КМ СХ ДВ ПЛЭ 400 1000 Top shelf3
    21091-913-18SHP534.000.000-02 A SK Top shelf (7016)КМ СХ ДВ ПЛЭ 450 1000 Top shelf3
    31091-914-18SHP534.000.000-04 A SK Top shelf (7016)КМ СХ ДВ ПЛЭ 500 1000 Top shelf3
    41091-915-18SHP534.000.000-06 A SK Top shelf  (7016)КМ СХ ДВ ПЛЭ 550 1000 Top shelf3
    51091-911-18SHP535.000.000-00 A SK Lower shelf  (7016)КМ СХ ДВ ПЛНЭ 600 1000 Lower shelf 3
    61091-918-00SKA660.000.000-00 A SL Bread shelf doorКМ СХ ДВЭ 330 210 Bread shelf door36
    71094-682-18SKD719.000.000-02 A SK Medium podium (7016)КМ ПДЭ СХ 215 1000 100 С Medium podium1
    81094-568-18SKD720.000.000-02 A SK End podium (7016)КМ ПДЭ СХ 215 1000 100 П End podium1
    91094-636-18SKD720.000.000-03 A SK End podium (7016)КМ ПДЭ СХ 215 1000 100 Л End podium  1
    101023-488-18SKF191.000.000-08 B SZ Upright footrest (7016)КМ ПН 02 100 600 Upright footrest4
    111081-579-00SKF600.000.000-04 B SK Insert (zink)КМ ВСТ 80 Insert4
    121091-916-18SKG903.000.000-02 A SK Bread shelving sides (7016)КМ БКЭ СХ 370 700  Bread shelving sides1
    131091-917-18SKG908.000.000-00 A SK Bread shelving sides (7016)КМ БКЭ СХ 615 1580 Bread shelving sides 1
    141047-287-00SKW405.000.000-00 B SK Bread shelving bumper (НЖ)КМ ВБ СХ 20 40 1000 НЖ Bread shelving bumper3
    15*1094-215-00SHP534.000.003-00 A L DividerКМ ПРЭ СХ 375 120 Divider15
    16*1094-216-00SHP534.000.003-02 A L DividerКМ ПРЭ СХ 425 120 Divider15
    17*1094-217-00SHP534.000.003-04 A L DividerКМ ПРЭ СХ 475 120 Divider15
    18*1094-259-00SHP534.000.003-06 A L DividerКМ ПРЭ СХ 525 120 Divider15
    19*1094-559-00SHP534.000.003-08 A L DividerКМ ПРЭ СХ 575 120 Divider15
    201083-406-18SKN120.000.001-12 D M Middle panel upright (7016)КМ НС 80 1778-2 Middle panel upright4
    211083-347-18SKR100.000.001-20 H M Profile crossbar (7016)КМ РПР 120 1000 Profile crossbar 6
    224001-188-10Shelf price tag LP39 /25mm hinged transparent H39 L988Shelf price tag LP39 /25mm hinged transparent H39 L98815
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