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Island shelving with middle panel FS and front upright type 2

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  4.  / Island shelving with middle panel FS and front upright type 2
About product
Destination: Commercial
Object format: Convenience store, Gas station, Grocery, Hypermarket, Minimarket, Supermarket
Equipment type: Island
Height, mm: 2082
Width, mm: 1330
Depth, mm: 960
Model: With front upright type 2
System: Middle wall (FS)
Manufacturer: 4RM Systems
4RM Shelving 4RM Shelving 4RM Shelving 4RM Shelving

Island shelving with front upright, type 2 is designed with an additional rack for improved stability when fully loaded. This design preserves usable space in the front row and allows for 1-2 SKUs more product placement.

Shelving Features

  • Integrated front rack. Improves stability at full load without reducing available space in the front row.
  • Island arrangement. Provides all-round access to products.
  • Durable materials. Guarantee long-term structural integrity without changing shape.
  • Modular configuration. Easily adaptable to the different requirements of the sales area.


  • Versatility. Easy adaptation to any assortment and style of display.
  • Easy maintenance. The design provides easy access for servicing and replenishment of goods.
  • Efficient use of space. Island location and compact dimensions of shelving contribute to increased display without loss of accessibility for customers.

Detailed information on technical specifications is available in the ‘Technical Specifications’ tab.

4RM Shelving 

11083-407-xxКМ НС 80 1930-2 / KM NSUpright2
21081-579-00КМ ВСТ 80 / KM VSTUpright insert2
31022-127-xxFS PN 01 100 550Base foot4
41034-925-xxFS STS 450 1000Middle panel4
51034-192-xxFS KRD 350Bracket16
61082-019-xxКМ КР НП 160 / KM KR NPFront upright bracket16
71034-336-xxFS PS NP 550 1000 200Shelf for middle back panel and front upright10
81034-851-xxFS PPS 60 550Shelf divider16
91081-203-xxКМ БР 60 1000 / KM BRBarrier8
101095-074-xxКМ ЗГН 30 80 / KM ZGNUpright top plug2
111095-072-xxКМ ЗГН 30 40  / KM ZGNUpright top plug4
121083-976-xxКМ НПВ 40 1930-2 100 / KM NPVInternal front upright4
131060-161-xxКН ФК 001 / KN FKBracket retainer16

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