Island shelving with middle panel FS and front upright type 1

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  4.  / Island shelving with middle panel FS and front upright type 1
About product
Destination: Commercial
Object format: Convenience store, Gas station, Grocery, Hypermarket, Minimarket, Supermarket
Equipment type: Island
Height, mm: 2082
Width, mm: 1250
Depth, mm: 960
Model: With front upright
System: Middle wall (FS)
Manufacturer: 4RM Systems

Island shelving with front upright type 1 is designed for displaying goods in the central areas of the sales area. Its robust construction and modern design make it a universal solution for different product categories, ensuring a long service life even under intensive use.

Shelving features

  • The front upright increases shelving stability under heavy loads.
  • Thanks to the island placement, customers have access to the goods from all sides.
  • Shelving is made of stainless steel with polymer coating, serves for a long time without replacement of components and repairs.
  • Modular design allows you to adjust the configuration depending on the requirements of the shop.


  • Increased safety and stability. Reinforced front upright prevents shelving from deforming and falling at maximum load.
  • Convenience shopping. Island design provides easy access to products, which improves the shopping experience and drives sales.
  • Versatility. Shelving is suitable for displaying products of different categories or sizes.
  • Modern design. The equipment fits into the interior of any shop format and makes the retail space more attractive.

Learn more about the shelving components in the ‘Technical Specifications’ tab.


Артикул / ItemКод / CodeНаименование / Nameшт. unitsст. page
11083-407-xxКМ НС 80 1930-2 / KM NSНога стенки средней / Upright224
21081-579-00КМ ВСТ 80 / KM VSTВставка / Upright insert227
31022-126-xxFS PN 01 100 450Подставка ноги / Base foot428
41034-925-xxFS STS 450 1000Стенка средняя / Middle panel429
51034-193-xxFS KRD 450Кронштейн двухсторонний / Bracket1642
61034-212-xxFS PS 450 1000Полка стенки средней / Shelf, middle type1033
71095-074-xxКМ ЗГН 30 80 / KM ZGNЗаглушка ноги / Upright top plug227
81034-850-xxFS PPS 60 450Перегородка полки / Shelf divider 853
91081-203-xxКМ БР 60 1000 / KM BRБарьер / Barrier849
101081-569-00КМ ВСТ 40 / KM VSTВставка / Upright insert427
111084-509-xxКМ КНП 100 / KM KNPКрепление ноги передней / Front upright fixator427
121081-587-xxКМ НП 40 1930 / KM NPНога передняя двухсторонняя / Front upright426
131095-072-xxКМ ЗГН 30 40 / KM ZGNЗаглушка ноги / Upright top plug426
141012-258-xxFS PPS K 60 450 Перегородка полки стенки средней крайняя / End divider of shelf of middle back panel1655
151060-161-xxКН ФК 001 / KN FKФиксатор кронштейна / Bracket retainer1643
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