Tobacco dispensers for shops of any format

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A striking part of the 4RM Systems range is the tobacco dispenser. These are the same structures for storing and selling cigarettes, sticks or heating blends that you see in the speciality section or at the till in shops of all different formats.

What is a tobacco dispenser for?

  • Allows you to efficiently organise and sort cigarette packs;
  • Enables the retailer to quickly locate the right products;
  • Ensures compliance with legal requirements;
  • Saves space and does not clutter the room.

Suitable model can be selected both by price and design parameters. These are dimensions, number of internal sections, material of manufacture and method of installation (floor or suspended).

Floor tobacco dispenser is commonly called backwall. Wall-mounted - overhead. There are also modular models, which are made up of the number of sections you need.

The key parameter of the tobacco dispenser is its facings, the number of packs that are visible on the frontal plane when the cabinet is opened. This is how many brands of cigarettes can be shown to the customer and sold effectively with this equipment.

For example, the largest model that 4RM Systems offers supports the placement of 165 packs on the front plane at once!

Tobacco dispencer 4RM Tobacco dispencer 4RM Tobacco dispencer 4RM Tobacco dispencer 4RM Tobacco dispencer 4RM Tobacco dispencer 4RM

In some countries, dispensers are used for branding, if this is allowed by law. In this case, the front and sides of the equipment can be decorated in the corporate style, and an LED display can be installed on top to attract attention.

Want to know more about tobacco dispensers from 4RM Systems LLC? This is the place to go!

+375 44 558-44-44 

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